260.000 mq
98.000 mc
2011- in progress
under construction
Co-designer: RPA, SD Partners, Polistudio
The design of the new hospital maternal and child of Ancona began with the award of the first prize in the competition of ideas organized by the Marche Region in 2012. Subsequently the same team of designers had drafted the preliminary draft and the final design. Currently the project is in the final stage of approval. The project involves the construction of highly specialized pediatric and gynecological hospital in Ancona for an area of 25000 square meters on four levels. The structure will be connected with the regional hospital of Ancona already existing in the area. In addition to the inpatient wards for a total of 200 beds there are analysis laboratories, diagnostic area, day hospital, day surgery, first aid, hospitality areas and service areas. The integration between the two hospital complexes has been studied at all levels: logistics, sanitary, roadway, plant engineering, energy and environmental, architectonical and landscape. An integral part of the project was also the resolution of interference and relocation within the hospital area of the spaces and functions penalized or removed because of the new intervention.